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Colored pencil on paper |  18" x 24" | 2022



Lewis Foster is a Detroit-based artist working out of the Detroit studio of PASC, the first progressive art and design studio in Detroit and Wayne County dedicated to supporting artists with developmental disabilities and mental health differences. Foster makes realist drawings featuring neat rows of serial images of objects, from modernist furniture, to vehicles, to advertisements, to archaeological artifacts. He usually works from art and design books, magazines and guidebooks to depict his catalog of objects in precise and tightly detailed renderings using colored pencil. Foster has exhibited at the PASC Detroit Pop-Up Gallery, Detroit, MI (2022); The Detroit Repertory Theater, Detroit (2022); Swords Into Plowshares Gallery, Detroit (2022); The Scarab Club, Detroit (2021), and in one online exhibition on the PASC website in 2021.

"We Support New York" by Lewis Foster

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